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Andrea Franz
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Angela Sweitzer
Sped Teacher
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Angela Keenan
2nd Grade Teacher
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Angelica Mix
Classroom Assistant
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Angelica Spaw
Art Teacher
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Annetta Bandy
Academic Para
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
April Connor
3rd Grade Teache
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Ashley Espinosa
Dir. of School Culture
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Bianca Hall
School Operations Manager
Brittany Hinton
Academic Para
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Cameesha Scheeringa
Sped Para
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Casey Cornelius
Academic Para
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Catalina Cervantez
Classroom Assistant
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Chante'l Johnson
3rd Grade Teacher
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Christen Maguire
STEM Teacher
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Christian Rak
Sped Para
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Crystal Brandenburg
Academic Para
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Dayonna Stitt
School Aide
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Deron Swain
Gym Teacher
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus
Dione Johnson
Classroom Assistant
Gary Lighthouse Charter School- Primary Campus