Good Morning EC Family,
Reminder that today is a half day, which means students will be released at 12:30 pm.
Unfortunately, the Boys and Girls club will not be open for early release. Parents must make transportation accommodations to pick up students at 12:30pm today.
Thank you, Have a great day!

Tomorrow, November 9th will be a half-day for Scholars. Dismissal will begin at 12:25 for walkers and 12:30 for bus and car riders. Please reach out with any questions or concerns!
Have a great day!
Mañana, 9 de noviembre será medio día para Scholars. La salida comenzará a las 12:25 para los que caminan y a las 12:30 para los que viajan en autobús y automóvil. Comuníquese con cualquier pregunta o inquietud.
¡Qué tengas un lindo día!

EC Bus #2 will not be running Monday, November 7, 2022. If you are able, please make arrangements to bring your child to and from school today. We are sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call the school office.

EC Buses 1 & 2 will not be running tomorrow, Friday, November 4, 2022. If you are able, please make arrangements to bring your child to and from school today. We are sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any additonal questions, please feel free to call the school office.

Need help paying your heating bill this winter?
Northwest Indiana Community Action will be hosting a series of public events. If you are in need of Energy Assistance, please stop by at 5240 Fountain Dr. Crown Point, IN and fill an application.
For more information, please visit our website: https://www.nwi-ca.com/financial-support/#energy


Resources! Feel free to share with other families!

EC Lighthouse Bus 2 will not be running on Monday, October 24, 2022. If you are able, please make arrangements for your child to get to and from school on Monday. We are very sorry for this unforeseen inconvenience. All buses should resume their normal schedules on Tuesday, October 25. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your school's front office on Monday morning. And please enjoy the remainder of your Fall Break!

Resources! Today there will be a Mobile Market in Merrillville!

Reminder families bus #2 is down today Friday, October 14th.
Scholars are dismissed at 3:30pm.

Resources! Today there will be a Mobile Market in Merrillville! Feel free to share with other families!

East Chicago Lighthouse Bus #2 will not be running tomorrow, Friday October 14, 2022. Due to an unforeseen circumstance, if you are able to bring your child to and from school, please do so. We and sorry for the inconvenience; thank you for your understanding!

EC Lighthouse Bus # 2 will not be running tomorrow (Thursday, 10/13/22). If you are able, please make arrangements to bring your students to and from school. We are sorry for this unforeseen inconvenience. Please feel free to call your school's office if you have any questions.

Hello EC Families,
Join us tomorrow, October 13th for our Hispanic Heritage Dance! All families are welcome!

Good Morning EC Family,
We are taking donations for our CANDY DRIVE.
The class with the most candy is eligible for class party!
We appreciate all donations going towards our FALLPALOOZA!

EC Lighthouse Bus # 2 will not be running tomorrow (Wednesday, 10/12/22). If you are able, please make arrangements to bring your students to and from school. We are sorry for this unforeseen inconvenience. Please feel free to call your school's office if you have any questions.

Resources! Thursday there will be a Mobile Market in EC! Feel free to share with other families!

Wednesday there will be a Mobile Market in Gary! Feel free to share with other families!

Happy Monday! One more week until Fall Break! Scholars will be out Oct 17- 21st.

Good Morning EC Families,
Scholars are expected to be in full uniform on Fridays. Be advised, students who are not in uniform will be sent home for the day or requested to change clothes and return to school.
Please reach out to the main office for additional information.
Padres EC,
Se espera que los estudiantes estén en uniforme completo los viernes. Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes que no estén en uniforme serán enviados a casa por el día o se les pedirá que se cambien de ropa y regresen a la escuela.
Comuníquese con la oficina principal para obtener información adicional.